






1. 2014年9月23日,在伦敦的里士满公园,一只鹿在晨雾中鸣叫。周二是秋分,白昼与黑夜时间一样长。(盖蒂图片社/ Rob Stothard)

A deer bugles in the morning mist in Richmond Park in London, England, on September 23, 2014. Tuesday marked the autumn equinox where day and night are of equal lengths. (Rob Stothard/Getty Images)


2.2014年9月21日,在亚利桑那州中北部的大峡谷附近的北凯巴布营林区FSP612号公路上的白桦树。(美国林业局,凯巴布国家森林/(David Hercher)

Aspen trees on FSR 612 at North Kaibab Ranger District, near the Grand Canyon in north-central Arizona, on September 21, 2014. (David Hercher/US Forest Service, Kaibab National Forest) #


3.2014年9月23日,在德国Lehde附近的一条河流上,农夫Harald Wenske用平底船运南瓜。(法新社/盖蒂图片社/Patrick Pleu)

Farmer Harald Wenske transports pumpkins on a punt over a river near Lehde, Germany, on September 23, 2014. (Patrick Pleul/AFP/Getty Images) #


4.2014年9月9日,在马耳他瓦莱塔港的防波堤上,一轮满月从灯塔後面升起。(路透社/ Darrin Zammit Lupi)

The Harvest Moon rises behind the lighthouse on the breakwater of Valletta’s Grand Harbour in Malta on September 9, 2014. (Reuters/Darrin Zammit Lupi) #


5 .从英国卡斯尔顿山峰区的Mam Tor顶端望去,太阳升起,希望峡谷中云雾缭绕。拍摄於2014年9月10日。(盖蒂图片社/ Dan Kitwood)

Mist lingers in Hope Valley at sunrise viewed from the top of Mam Tor in the Peak District in Castleton, United Kingdom, on September 10, 2014. (Dan Kitwood/Getty Images) #


6.2014年9月20日,在威尔士的Llanrwst, Tu Hwnt ir Bont茶社的屋顶上,树叶秀出秋色。(法新社/盖蒂图片社/ Paul Ellis)

Leaves develop autumnal colors on the Tu Hwnt ir Bont Tearooms in Llanrwst, Wales, on September 20, 2014. (Paul Ellis/AFP/Getty Images) #


7.雾色的早晨,在玉米田里行走的加拿大鹅。2014年9月18日,拍摄於纽约州施托伊弗桑特。(美联社图片/Mike Groll)

Canada geese walk in a corn field on a foggy morning in Stuyvesant, New York, on September 18, 2014. (AP Photo/Mike Groll) #


8.2014年9月18日,在德国Fuerstenwalde附近的花园里,园丁Silvia Manteuffel正在测量她种的巨型南瓜。她首次尝试种植南瓜就收获到重量260千克左右的巨型植物。(法新社/盖蒂图片社/ Patrick Pleul)

Gardener Silvia Manteuffel measures her giant pumpkin in a garden near Fuerstenwalde, Germany, on September 18, 2014. Her first attempt of growing a pumpkin led to the giant plant weighing around 260 kilograms. (Patrick Pleul/AFP/Getty Images) #


9.2014年9月23日,在伦敦的里士满公园,一位骑自行车的人穿过早晨的霞光。(盖蒂图片社/ Rob Stothard/)

A cyclist rides through the morning light in Richmond Park in London on September 23, 2014. (Rob Stothard/Getty Images) #


10.2014年9月9日,在法国西南部的Pessac镇,一架无人机飞过隶属Bernard Magrez酿酒公司的Pape Clement古堡葡萄园。Magrez酿酒公司第一个使用配有红外线摄像装置无人机确定园区葡萄的成熟度,然後在不同时间采摘。(法新社/盖蒂图片社/ Jean Pierre Muller)。

A drone flies over vineyards of the Pape Clement castle, belonging to Bordeaux winemaker Bernard Magrez in the southwestern French town of Pessac on September 9, 2014. Magrez is the first winemaker to use a drone equipped with an infrared camera to determine the optimal maturity of the domain’s grapes and thus harvest them at different times. (Jean Pierre Muller/AFP/Getty Images) #


11.2014年9月7日,在法国Montmelas-Saint-Sorlin的the Marquis de Montmelas区,收获季节,一位农夫在采摘葡萄。(法新社/盖蒂图片社/(Jeff Pachoud)

A picker collects grapes during the harvest on September 17, 2014 in the Marquis de Montmelas domain in Montmelas-Saint-Sorlin, France. (Jeff Pachoud/AFP/Getty Images) #


12.2014年9月21日,在明尼苏达州Pillager附近,秋色映在洛基湖上。(美联社图片/ Ann Heisenfelt)

Fall colors are reflected on Rock Lake near Pillager, Minnesota, on september 21, 2014. (AP Photo/Ann Heisenfelt) #


13.落日下的麦田。2014年9月6日,拍摄於俄罗斯拉斯诺亚尔斯克西南的Solgon村的农庄。(路透社/Ilya Naymushin)

Sunset in a wheat field of the Solgonskoye farming company in the village of Solgon, southwest from Krasnoyarsk, Russia, on September 6, 2014. (Reuters/Ilya Naymushin) #


14.2014年9月23日,伦敦里士满公园,晨光中的马鹿。(盖蒂图片社/ Rob Stothard)

A red deer in the morning light in Richmond Park in London on September 23, 2014. (Rob Stothard/Getty Images) #


15.2014年9月19日,德国Eggersdorf的有机农场里正在成熟的辣椒。(法新社/盖蒂图片社/ Patrick Pleul)

Ripening chilies at an organic farm in Eggersdorf, Germany, on September 19, 2014. (Patrick Pleul/AFP/Getty Images) #


16.2014年9月11日,法国南特附近La Haie-Fouassiere的Landron区,在Muscadet葡萄园里,一位男子正在用修枝剪挑选葡萄。(法新社/盖蒂图片社/ Jean-Sebastien Evrard)

A man selects wine-grapes with a pruning shear on September 11, 2014 at the Muscadet vineyards of the Landron domain, in La Haie-Fouassiere, near Nantes, western France. (Jean-Sebastien Evrard/AFP/Getty Images) #


17.2014年9月11日,在慕尼黑以南大约180千米处的Bad Hindelang,传统的”Almabtrieb”节里,巴伐利亚州的农夫护送着他们的牛群转移场地。(路透社/ Michael Dalder)

Bavarian farmers escort their herd during the traditional “Almabtrieb” in Bad Hindelang, about 180km (110 miles) south of Munich, on September 11, 2014. (Reuters/Michael Dalder) #


18.2014年9月20日,在德国慕尼黑Theresienwiese举行的传统的巴伐利亚啤酒节上,一位女侍者给客人送上啤酒。(法新社/盖蒂图片社/ Christof Stache)

A waitress serves beer during the opening of the traditional Bavarian Oktoberfest festival at the Theresienwiese in Munich, Germany, on September 20, 2014. (Christof Stache/AFP/Getty Images)#


19.俄勒冈东南Steens山上秋天多姿多彩的树叶。(土地管理局/ Kelly Hazen)

Fall Foliage on Steens Mountain in southeastern Oregon. (Kelly Hazen/Bureau of Land Management) #


20.2014年9月10日,在内布拉斯加州的斯普林菲尔德,Platteview高中橄榄球队队员在大豆和玉米环绕的场地里进行训练。(美联社图片/ Nati Harnik)

Members of the Platteview High School football team practice surrounded by fields of soybean and corn in Springfield, Nebraska, on September 10, 2014. (AP Photo/Nati Harnik) #


21.2014年9月1日,在爱达荷中部的红大马哈鱼湖里,野生和孵化的红大哈马鱼在一起游泳。今天秋天,大量濒危的红大哈马鱼从太平洋游过900英里的行程到达爱达荷州海拔较高的红大马哈鱼湖,其数量比近60年来任何一年都多。(美联社图片/爱达荷渔业与野生部Chris Kozfkay))

A mixture of wild and hatchery-raised sockeye salmon in Redfish Lake in central Idaho, on September 10, 2014. More endangered sockeye salmon have made ​​the 900-mile journey from the Pacific Ocean to central Idaho’s high-elevation Redfish Lake this fall than in any previous year going back nearly six decades. (AP Photo/Idaho Dept. of Fish and Game, Chris Kozfkay) #


22.2014年9月3日,在法国康布雷附近Verger d’Epinoy的苹果园里,一位法国农场工人在采摘苹果。(路透社/ Pascal Rossignol)

A French farm worker harvests apples in an apple orchard at the Verger d’Epinoy near Cambrai, France, on September 3, 2014. (Reuters/Pascal Rossignol) #


23.2014年9月23日,在英格兰伦敦的里士满公园,日出时分,湖上晨雾後面的可以看到鸭子和鹅。(盖蒂图片社/ Rob Stothard)

Ducks and geese are seen through the morning mist on the lake at sunrise in Richmond Park on September 23, 2014 in London, England. (Rob Stothard/Getty Images) #


24.2014年9月6日,在克拉斯诺雅斯克西南的Solgon村Solgonskoye农业公司的麦田里,夕阳西下,一辆联合收割机和一辆带拖挂的拖拉机。(路透社//Ilya Naymushin)

A combine harvester and a tractor with trailers work after sunset on a wheat field at the Solgonskoye farming company in the village of Solgon, southwest from Krasnoyarsk, on September 6, 2014. (Reuters/Ilya Naymushin) #


25.2014年9月16日,在法国Yvoy-le-Marron附近雾色茫茫的草原上,夜幕降临时一只公鹿的背影。(路透社/ Philippe Wojazer)

The silhouette of a stag at nightfall in a foggy prairie near Yvoy-le-Marron, France, on September 16, 2014. (Reuters/Philippe Wojazer) #


26.2014年9月23日,在英格兰的伦敦里士满公园,蕨类植物在晨曦中闪光。(盖蒂图片社/ Rob Stothard)

Ferns glow in the morning light in Richmond Park on September 23, 2014 in London, England. (/Getty Images) #


27.2014年9月22日,西伯利亚克拉斯诺雅斯克外Taiga地区,叶尼塞河畔一位渔夫的营地。(路透社/ Ilya Naymushin)

A fishermen’s camp on the bank of the Yenisei River in the Taiga district outside Krasnoyarsk, Siberia, on September 22, 2014. (Reuters/Ilya Naymushin) #


28.2014年9月23日,在伦敦的里士满公园,蜘蛛赶上了清晨的薄雾。(盖蒂图片社/ Rob Stothard)

Cobwebs catch the early morning mist in London’s Richmond Park on September 23, 2014. (Rob Stothard/Getty Images) #

原文来源:theatlantic.com  |  原文标题:Fall Is in the Air







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